The BJJ App - Timetable

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Edit Class

Need to Edit one of your Classes?

Let us show you how!


Navigating to Classes

Navigate to Timetable using the side-navigation menu within the Admin Dashboard.

On this page, you’ll find the table containing your Classes.

Support Docs - Classes - Step 1


To Edit a class either click on the Title highlighted in Blue or hover over the class on the table and select “Edit“.

Support Docs - Classes - Step 3


On the Edit Class page, you’ll be able to edit the Class Title or Description.

Support Docs - Edit Class - Step 1


Update the Class Schedule if necessary.

Support Docs - Edit Class - Step 2


Update the Class Image. Change the Action Button to take the user to a Custom URL, send an Email or add to an iCal Event when the class is clicked by the user. Or update the Map Coordinates of the class.

Support Docs - Edit Class - Step 3


Finally, you can add Class Types, Locations, and Instructors to your class.


Support Docs - Edit Class - Step 6


Once you’re happy with your changes hit “Update” to save your changes.

Support Docs - Edit Class - Step 8


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