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  4. Groups


Create Social Groups so that you can post content, share updates and message individual groups within your club.

Let’s take a look at how you can create a Group!


Navigating to Groups

Navigate to Users > GroupsĀ page in the side navigation within the Admin Dashboard.

On this page, you can find a list of your created groups.

Let’s create a new group but clicking the “Add New” button next to the title.

Support Docs - Groups - Step 1


Step 1

Start by giving your group a Name and short Description.

Support Docs - Groups - Step 2


Step 2

Set the Privacy Options:

Public – Any member can join this group.

Private – Members can request to join this group. Approval must be granted by an administrator.

Hidden – This group is hidden from members, only visible if they have been invited.

Additionally, you can enable members to invite other members to the group.

Support Docs - Groups - Step 3

Support Docs - Groups - Step 4


Step 3 & Step 4

An option to upload a group Photo and/or Cover Image is available at these steps.

Support Docs - Groups - Step 5


Step 5

Send out Invites to this group.

Support Docs - Groups - Step 7


Step 6

Course Settings

Support Docs - Groups - Step 8

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