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Have you assigned the CRM Agent Role to your users yet?  No?

Check out the following doc before continuing with this article.


Adding Companies into your CRM systems helps to keep track of tasks relating to a company as a whole and not individual parties. A Life Stages is set for each company to annotate which phase the company is at within your CRM system. These include Customers, Leads, Opportunities or Subscribers.


Navigating to Companies Table

Navigate to the Member CRM page in the side navigation within the Admin Dashboard then select the Companies tab.

Support Docs - CRM Companies - Step 1

From here you can see the full list of companies linked to your CRM system.


As a CRM Agent, you have the capabilities to Edit, View or Delete entries from the companies table. Bulk Actions allow you to select multiple entries and either delete or assign them to a group.

Support Docs - CRM Companies - Step 2


Adding New Companies

If you want to add a Company to this table you can do so using the “Add New Company” button above the table. Fill out the required fields and click “Add New“.

Filtering Data

Filtering data on the Company table can be done in a few ways.

Support Docs - CRM Companies - Step 4

  1. Filter options above table data. Filter by Owner, Segment and/or Company.
  2. Search directly for a Company using the search option located on the top right of the table.
  3. Choose to display All or individual stages (Customers, Leads, Opportunities, Subscribers or Trash)
  4. For more advanced searches you can use the Search Segment option. This provides greater flexibility to help you find what you’re looking for. You can also save search segments and save your search results as a contact group to help organize your contacts.


Additional Reading: 

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